American Sign Language Phonics Song – Apples and Bananas Long Vowels

We Play Along is excited about our newest American Sign Language Phonics Song called Apples and Banana’s – Long Vowel Sounds. “Apples and Banana’s” is a traditional American Folk song that connects the learning long vowel phonemic sounds.
Our version Apples and Banana’ supports the learning of important...Read More »
Research Supports Signing with All Children

Sing and sign He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands for fun and learning.
A fun and enjoyable children’s song is called He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands. It is a traditional American spiritual. We are pleased to present this song with American Sign Language,...Read More »
A Key Reason Why Signing ASL is So Rewarding for Children.

There are lots of reasons and benefits for children to learn and use American Sign Language, ASL, with children’s songs. One of the key reasons why signing is so rewarding has to do with something called FLOW. In our book, Sign to Speak – Toddlers at Play, Dr. Marylin Daniels...Read More »
Three Blind Mice ASL Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme.

Supports two important signed communication benefits for children.
Three Blind Mice is a very old Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme. Teaching rhymes, like Three Blind Mice, to children provides them with two important communication benefits. This and other nursery rhymes have long bee known to support early learning. Now we know there...Read More »
2 Key Memorization Tools with Little Jack Horner and ASL.

Little Jack Horner is the newest Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme song to be posted on our We Play Along YouTube channel for parents and teachers to learn the American Sign Language Signs (ASL) that are used when saying or singing this classic children’s rhyme.
ASL and rhymes provides so many great...Read More »
Top 10 Benefits of Signing Baby Songs and Signs with Babies

Signing ASL baby signs and signing ASL baby songs with babies is a fun and playful activity that provides many benefits to babies and their parents and caregivers. If you are not already convinced to use ASL signs with babies or you just want to re-affirm your decision to do...Read More »
Two major reasons to sign Baa, Baa, Black Sheep with ASL

“Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” is the latest Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme featured on our We Play Along YouTube channel. Sing and sign along, with American Sign Language, to our Baa, Baa, Black Sheep Music Video or, if you want to learn the ASL signs first, watch our Baa, Baa, Black...Read More »
Rock-a-Bye Baby and five reasons to sign and sing nursery rhymes!

There are five important reasons to sign and sing, using American Sign Language (ASL), Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes like Rock-A-Bye Baby. Signing with babies is supported with our five reasons. All parents, teachers, and care givers will learn why singing and signing with babies and toddlers is so valuable.
Rock-a-Bye-Baby was...Read More »
It’s Raining, It’s Pouring ASL Rhyme for Learning & Creativity

It’s Raining, It’s Pouring with American Sign Language, ASL is not only a powerful way to learn but offers creative opportunities for parents and teachers to use to foster creativity in children. Here’s how:
Powerful Learning
Nursery Rhymes have been used for fun and learning with children for over 300 years. From...Read More »
5 reasons to teach Nursery Rhymes with ASL

5 key reasons to teach Nursery Rhymes with American Sign Language, ASL | Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Nursery Rhymes, like Row, Row, Row Your Boat, which we just posted our Signing Instruction and our Signing Song videos on...Read More »
3 key reasons to sign ASL and songs with kids

3 key reasons to sign ASL and songs like What a Wonderful World with kids.
What a Wonderful World has been a highly popular song for generations. It is an inspirational song that makes us all fee good. And now we feature this song on our We Play Along...Read More »
3 Important Reasons to Sing and Sign ASL with Kids Songs – You Are My Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine was first recorded in 1939 and has been rerecorded by many artists over the years. It is one of Louisiana’s state songs. For me it has always been a special song because it was one of my father’s favorites and he sang it often as I...Read More »
2 Great Traditional Movement Songs: Wheels on the Bus and Jumping

Here are 5 great Preschool Activity Songs for Kids that you provide a great way for parents, teachers, and early childhood professionals to connect with kids, interact with kids, and provide them with fun and playful learning experiences. All these songs have Instructional and song demonstration videos that you can...Read More »
3 Reasons Why Silent Night Became So Popular

You can now watch our YouTube Instruction video on How-to-sign, using ASL, “Silent Night.” Once you have learned the signs then you can sing and sign along to “Silent Night” either with our We Play Along YouTube song, or...Read More »
Humpty Dumpty ASL Song | Nursery Rhyme for Kids

Humpty Dumpty is a classic Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme. Watch our version of the Humpty Dumpty ASL song as we have combined American Sign Language with this kid’s song.
Our goal is always to empower parents, teachers, and early childhood professionals and caregivers with great interactive songs for...Read More »
ASL Kids Songs Support Learning
ASL Children’s songs are a powerful memorization and recall tool
Interactive children’s songs have been a key way for children to learn and remember core educational concepts. ASL children’s song support the learning of these concepts like their ABCs, numbers, rhymes, animals, and build lots of usable vocabulary. Think about the...Read More »
Phonics Instruction supported by American Sign Language and Songs

Combining ASL and songs is a powerful memorization and recall tool
Reading readiness and future decoding skills supporting a child’s education from preschool through college is enhanced by learning key phonics rules. Research has shown that phonics instruction:
- is effective in supporting early...Read More »
Alphabet Phonics Song Featuring ASL, the Alphabet and Objects
Letters of the Alphabet Object Song version 1 is a phonics songs featured on our channel that supports the connection of each letter to the 1st letter sound of an object. It is an important concept for children to learn for phonemic awareness and to strengthen reading skills.
We also offer...Read More »
America the Beautiful

How to sign America The Beautiful with American Sign Language, ASL
America The Beautiful is a classic American patriotic song. The music was composed by Samuel A. Ward, the lyrics were added by Katharine Lee Bates, and it song came out in the early 1900’s. America The Beautiful is one of...Read More »
Baby Sign Language – Learn key ASL baby signs to use with your baby for early communication.

Baby sign language has become a well-known way to enhance early communication between babies and their parents and caregivers. ASL Baby signs will help you communicate with your baby long before he or she can speak. Learn these three key ASL baby signs, EAT, MORE, and ALL DONE, by watching...Read More »
ASL songs are easy to sign and fun for all ages of children

Children’s animal Songs are an ideal way to start.
Over the years, I’ve heard so many protests about singing songs with children. Things like, “But my voice isn’t great,” or “I don’t know how to sing,” have been repeated over and over. The reality is that it doesn’t matter. Your children...Read More »
One, Two Buckle My Shoe with American Sign Language

ASL Songs are fun activity songs for children
For over 30 years I’ve been incorporating ASL songs or American Sign Language songs into all my programs for children and lectures to parents and teachers. I have found that adding ASL to songs is a very fun way to involve...Read More »
Jacob Wore a Red Hat – An ASL Color Song
We recently posted a fun color song for children. It is based on a traditional song and is called Jacob Wore a Red Hat. I wrote this 1st verse based on the name of my oldest grandson. This children’s color song is simple, repetitive, and teaches American Sign Language...Read More »
We Play Along Features American Sign Language, ASL Songs and Activities with Instruction

We Play Along is our YouTube Channel that offers proven new and traditional kids songs for parents, teachers, early childhood professionals and caregivers to learn and use with children. That is why every kid’s song presented here has an instructional segment where we teach you how to sign,...Read More »
What is Good Children’s Music?

Over the course of the first 5 or so years of performing hundreds of children’s and family children’s music shows I developed a concept for what I believed to be good children’s music. I’ve discussed this with many children’s music artists over the years and found many agree...Read More »
ASL and Activity Songs for Children – A powerful way to learn.

In my 30’s I decided to begin performing children’s music concerts for family audiences. Georgia and I performed with our friends Terry Tiritilli and Clare Carnegie in a children’s band called K.C. & Company. A couple of things happened at that time that influenced the direction of children’s...Read More »
My Beginnings as a Kid’s Song Performer
I first began performing kid’s songs when I was in College at about 19 or 20 years old. It was fun and I did it for a friend who was running an after-school kids’ program at a local community center. I would make up kid’s songs at each program as...Read More »
We Play Along Children’s Activity Songs – How it all began

Georgia and I have always included musical activities, traditional children’s songs, and Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes as part of our life with our children from the time they were born. When our children were young, Georgia and I would make up songs for them. These were silly songs...Read More »